I was sitting here reading a PDF version of "Heart and Halo" (a collection of discoures given by His Divine Grace Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaja) and just came across this paragraph:
"The day in which we do not find any saint, or have any discussion about the real purpose of life, the inner life, the inner substance, that day we are the loser. Be conscious of that. In all respects, in any way possible, mind your own lesson, mind your own interest, find your own self. Be unmindful towards the external world and circumstances and dive deep into the reality, the inner world. Find your inner self and the inner world where you live, where your inner self is living. Try to find your Home, to go back to God, back to Home. Your energy must be utilized for going Home, and not for wandering in the other land, the land of death. Try to avoid the land of death at any cost; always try to find the eternal soil, that soil to which you belong. Try to understand what is your Home and why it is your Home. Home comfort: what does it mean? It means our birth-place – the place where we are born."
After what I posted last night regarding the topic of death, I found this to be quite pertinent and a direct message from Krishna sitting within my heart.