Monday, January 11, 2010

Time Keeps on Ticking

Time…it can be our enemy or our best friend, just like our mind. How we spend our time determines the quality and nature of our existence. So many people spend their time absorbed in activities of sense gratification and personal gain. After all, that’s the symptom of being in the material world. This is a place where jivas (individual spirit souls) go when they want to forget about Krishna (God). So it’s no wonder that so many people spend their time in activities trying to forget about God and focusing only on selfish interests.

A life spent in selfish pursuits of sense gratification and material gain is a life wasted. Time is relentlessly marching forward, unconcerned about human affairs. We cannot control time. Therefore Krishna says in the Bhagavad gita that He is time, the destroyer of worlds (BG 11.32). Time is a factor that is beyond us, outside of our ability to manipulate. In this way it’s a representation of God.

We are all under the control of time. Imperceptibly time is aging our physical bodies, bringing us closer to death at every second. Time also creates anxiety within us, because it separates us from our desires. When we want something very intensely or when we’re experiencing something unpleasant, time seems to move so slowly. Conversely, when we’re enjoying something, time seems to move way too quickly. Therefore we’re put into anxiety about the passing of time.
How we spend out time creates our reality. If we spend our time absorbed in materialistic things and materialistic association, then that becomes our existence. If we spend our time absorbed in transcendence and spiritual association, then that becomes our existence.

I always come full circle with these reflections. In order to become fully Krishna Conscious and to develop love for God one has to be completely absorbed in such thoughts and activities. The problem is that we must desire to be in such a state. And it is the desire which is often lacking. It is so much easier to be complacent, to be cynical about the process and to not fight against the waves of illusion that are constantly bombarding us.

Sometimes it feels that there’s not enough incentive to pursue a devotional, spiritual lifestyle. Why should I get up at 4am and chant and pray for two hours? Why should I spend an hour or more reading the sastras? Why should I bother going to the temple? How will these things benefit me in my material life?

And therein lies the problem: these devotional activities are not meant to benefit my material existence! Chanting my rounds doesn’t guarantee a comfortable, prosperous material life! Time spent in devotional activities is meant to benefit me in the bigger scheme of things. And that’s why it’s so hard sometimes to see the importance or necessity of it, because we’re so focused only on the here and now. We don’t stop to consider how time is moving us forward towards death. We don’t see how this present life is just a momentary existence. We don’t realize that this body and mind that we currently reside in are not really who we are! Therefore, in our conditioned state of existence, devotional activities seem like a waste of time. However, if we could step back and see the bigger picture we would see that our existence goes beyond just this present moment in time. Our existence will continue after this material body dies.

Of course all of this requires faith. It requires faith that we’re eternal, spiritual entities. It requires faith that we will continue to exist after death. It requires faith that the Holy Name will bring us to Krishna. It requires faith that Krishna is real. Everything that a spiritual or religious person does is based on faith. We do the things we do because we believe in the paths we have chosen.

Perhaps this is why I waste so much time, because my faith is weak. There are too many doubts, too many unknown variables. I know that I am dying. I know that I won’t be here in this body forever. Yet even knowing this is not enough motivation to chant my rounds, study the sastras and associate with more advanced Vaishnavas. There are just so many other distractions, worrying about jobs and money and how to maintain this material existence. Perhaps I have lost dependence on Krishna and therefore feel so much more anxiety. Perhaps I have become too influenced by the externals around me and haven’t focused deeply within on Paramatma.

At the end of every day I should ask myself, “What did I do today that brought me closer to Krishna or that raised my consciousness?” Otherwise without such reflection everyday will just be another day of time wasted, absorbed in selfish thoughts, selfish desires, anxiety, frustration and self-pity.

1 comment:

Satsvarupa Shyam Das said...

The last line pretty much sums up my life. Engrossed in complacency n self pity.